Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Starting up the kingdom.

"Okay. There's going to be some changes." Zi Mishkal stood in front of the town the next day. "We're going to make this ground zero of a new world. A better world...." His speech went on for several minutes and by the end of the day there was a new town council. Not the greatest council, but a start.

At that time there was also a travelling party of priestesses to the south. One of the priestesses caught the eye of my Marshal. "That woman would make a fine wife."
"A what now?"
"A wife. You need an heir."
"I.. and then I remembered what Pal said. "erm. Sure?"  There were several minutes of negotiation and the young woman was somewhat forcibly led off the cart.. "I am Namea", she bowed.
"Zi. Zi Mishkal." Pleased to meet you. She looked confused but said nothing. And that's how, nine days after I arrived I became a husband.

The wedding night (and subsequent nights) were fabulous. In fact, too fabulous and I've become distracted and frankly a little lustful to the point where even the servant girls look pretty good. And apparently, as my diviner Szczesny reminds me, I can take a concubine.. or three. It's apparently good to be the Chief.

They said I had to pick a god. "A what?" but it's apparently tradition and an outward expression of what I wanted to achieve. "A prosperous kingdom", I said so apparently I'm now a follower of Jarilo. I wonder if that means I get another concubine? 

Hey, don't judge. It was alot of lonely nights in the lab.

I asked exactly how many concubines I am allowed to have, by tradition. Three, I'm told.
And women, how male concubines do they get?
Dead silence.

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